Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Valuable lesson!

So tonight I learned a valuable lesson. No seriously I did.....

Tonight I learned what NOT to do.

Do not EVER ask a serious question, one that you really want a serious answer to, yeah that kind, don't ask a drunk person to answer a serious question. A serious question, one where the answer means a lot to you, is not something that you should ever ask a drunk person, or even a person that has had even one more drink then you have. And here are a few reasons why:

#1 You will never get an actual answer. The conversation will start to delve into things that should never be talked about or old shit that should never be brought back up.

#2 The conversation will last a good 3 hours, and again nothing will come of it, especially not an answer to the only question you asked.

#3 When the conversation does end, it will not end on a good note, nor will you have an answer to your question. You'll have talked about everything that has ever happened between you two, everything that they think you have done wrong, and no matter how many times you try to go back to the original topic, you'll fail.

#4 Here's the kicker, the person will not remember anything they have said or done, and can reserve the right to be pissed off for no apparent reason whatsoever.

I really learned something tonight guys. Now normally I stay away from serious topics with people who drink. I have about 1 or 2, when I do actually go out. And tonight was no different, I had a total of 2, yes TWO drinks, and they spanned about 3 hours apart. So I wasn't drunk when I made the mistake of asking my B/F a serious question. And I even tried to end the conversation several times. I apologized for making the mistake of asking him a serious question, while I was sober, and he was drunk. But that did no good. Needless to say, I will probably never get the answer to my question because I won't be asking him anything like that again! LOL

So moral of the story, don't be the sober one, apparantly drunk people have more fun, and they never remember SHIT!! LOL Have a great one people!

P.S. please drink responsibily! :)

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