Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Book rewrite............... and Poetry Night

So here I am blogging.....instead of continuing to write my book. I've noticed lately I am lacking the inspiration I need to continue this paranormal book I am writing. I've become so discouraged that I am thinking of starting all over, and creating a whole other world instead of writing the story with characters on a damaged Earth. Seems like the ideas in my head aren't really co-existing with this damaged Earth I have pictured in my head. So maybe the best thing to do is to start over. I don't know.

While I ponder that, here's a story for you. lol

 I was talking with an acquaintance of mine about starting a poetry reading at the local coffee shop thing they have here in Baytown. It's called Cork Grinders. They have live music, and great coffee, and wine's and other delectables. I think it would be a good way for avid writers, fans of poetry, lovers of lyrics, to be able to express their emotions, views and opinions. Especially if they aren't musically talented.

And as I am thinking of this, I'm trying to envision a poetry reading atmosphere. It's not hard really. I'm a writer, I can invent all kinds of scenarios for books, real life shouldn't be that hard, right? Wrong. As I contemplate the type of things that would be needed to make the person at the mic comfortable, I am at a loss. I mean I know what would make me comfortable if I was at a mic, but then what is good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander. So I stumble with this. Which only makes me frustrated. I really despise being frustrated or upset. I try to remain calm in all situations, but I guess when it's personal, or means a lot to me it tends to bother me rather quickly. But maybe it's that way for everyone.

So since we are talking about poetry this blog, here is a little piece that I wrote that was published in a local newspaper in Nebraska, I thought about reading it if they ever do decide to have the poetry reading at Cork Grinders. Give me some feedback if you would! I'd appreciate it! And follow me for more poetry!


You crawled into my mind, 
and stayed there like a shadow, 
You slithered your way into my life, 
Making it seem like I chose you, 
funny how you could disguise yourself, 
when I have x-ray glasses, 
But they couldn't see through your facade, 
or hear the lies you carefully planted, 
The mask you wear has grown into your face, 
making it impossible for you to tell what is real, 
You walk around like the king of the world, 
Thinking that everyone is in the wrong, 
You can wear that crown of dirt and grime, 
Just so you can feel in control of my mind, 
You see visions bouncearound my head, 
Bold colors of red and the passions of purple, 
life full ofbrilliant greens and dull grey, 
you can see my heart but know not how to proceed, 
here are the directions to the destination you want to obtain, 
make a left at the corner of I don't think so, 
and then try going north on not on your life, 
then take the road that says get the hell outta here, 
Will I ever be this foolish again, 
as to think that love is a precious thing, 
between two people who try to be what they are not, 
to think that no matter what my circumstances are, 
that it can be allowed to enter into the doorway of another's life, 
While My mind has colors galore, 
My heart tends to be laying on the shore of where do I go now, 
waters of tomorrow are lapping at my feet, 
while I contemplate the life's lesson, my defeat, 
Crystallized skies and over powering moons, given time, 
will come to find no appreciation on this world, 
the creams and pinks and gorgeous purple hues, 
are blinding my heart and tearing up my life, 
I tried to help but all I can see is that, 
You let it eat up the love you had inside you, 
You let it take you and give you up to the rain of ice, 
Your heart has been shielded from the love that I gave, 
I watch, with silence on my lips and yelling in my soul, 
I listen, to the tattered voices and the screaming pain, 
I hear, all the whispers of the life going on around you, 
I feel, the seasons of the years gone by, 
I know, that no matter how hard you try, 
The mask you put on a long time ago, 
Won't give up its place, It won't give up your soul. 

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